Hair Transplant surgery allows the surgeon to move healthy hairs on your scalp to areas with thinning hair. Today, it’s possible to have natural-looking results thanks to one key advance. Most surgeons now transplant the healthy hairs a few at a time. This eliminates the unnatural doll-like hair that patients saw in the 70s and 80s. Back then, sections of hair called hair plugs were placed in the thinning area. In time, the hair plugs became quite noticeable.
Hair transplant is a surgical procedure that uses micro-grafting technology to extract your hair follicles. These extracted follicles are inserted in the areas of your scalp that are balding or having hair loss. A hair transplant is long-lasting, so it is considered permanent. It also takes a long time to heal and recover. People who have baldness and excessive hair thinning on their scalp are suitable candidates for a hair transplant. A hair transplant is a cosmetic procedure done to add more hair over the balding or thinning areas of the scalp. It is generally done by taking the hair from another part of the scalp (donor site). This part of the scalp is not controlled by androgens (the male hormones contributing to hair loss); hence, it does not go bald. Hair from other body parts may also be used.
To find out why you have hair loss, you may also need a blood test. This can check for things going on in your body that may be causing your hair loss. Some patients need a procedure called a scalp biopsy. Your dermatologist can quickly and easily take what is needed for the scalp biopsy during the consultation. If the exam and tests show that you are a good candidate for a hair transplant, your dermatologist can tell you what results you can expect. A full head of hair may be unrealistic, but a fuller head of hair can be the goal. Most patients remain awake during the entire surgery and need only an anesthesia that makes the scalp numb. Some patients also take a mild sedative to help them relax. The surgery begins with your dermatologist removing the healthy hairs. To give you natural-looking results, your dermatologist may remove the healthy hairs by either cutting a strip of skin with healthy hairs from your scalp or removing individual hairs.
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